The application period for Learn & Earn 2024 is closed.
Public DocumentsProcurement (RFPs)

Request for Quotes - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training

Publish Date: Feb 5, 2021

Purpose of this RFQ:
Partner4Work is seeking a qualified organization, firm, and/or individual to provide P4W staff with training and other tools on the topic of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as it relates to the workplace and its connection to the workforce in the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.


Release of RFQ:                              February 5, 2021

Due date for RFQ questions         February 16, 2021

Response to question date           February 19, 2021

Quotes/bids due                             March 5, 2021 5:00 PM

Finalist interviews                          Week of March 15, 2021

Selection                                          April 1, 2021

Contract start                                  May 1, 2021

Last edit: February 25, 2021

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