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Public DocumentsProcurement (RFPs)

*Updated* Request for Bids - Communication services to support Industry Partnerships and Business Services

Publish Date: Oct 16, 2019

A fundamental strategy for meeting the needs of regional business includes the development of industry-driven, sector-based partnerships. As the local workforce development board, Partner4Work acts as a strategic convener to promote and broker effective relationships between workforce, business, economic development, supportive services, and education/training partners. These “Industry Partnerships” are led by business or business associations, and empower agencies to work collaboratively to define key challenges, priorities, and goals.

As strategic Industry Partnerships are an emerging priority, Partner4Work seeks communications support to produce a comprehensive catalog of materials and language to engage and promote these services to the community-at-large. We are in need of visually compelling materials designed to entice and pique the interest of the business community, consistent with our mission and vision, to articulate our value proposition in a digestible format. 

UPDATED: Bids must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. EST on October 30, 2019, to

Questions must be received in writing by 5 p.m. on October 23, 2019. Answers will be posted by 5 p.m. on October 25, 2019. No questions will be answered after the deadline.

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