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Public DocumentsProcurement (RFPs)


Publish Date: Nov 1, 2019

Partner4Work is seeking proposals for Transitional Jobs (TJ) programs from qualified organizations, with services to be delivered in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.

Defined by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Transitional Jobs (TJ) combine individualized career and supportive services with time-limited, wage-subsidized work experiences to develop important workplace skills and behaviors, establish an employment record, and generate employer references to enhance competitiveness in the job market. The temporary jobs provided through TJ programs can be with for-profit, non-profit, or government employers and are made available for individuals with barriers to employment who are chronically unemployed or who have an inconsistent work history, toward the goal of helping them reattach to the workforce. Partner4Work has issued this RFP for TJ programs beginning on February 1, 2020, and ending on June 30, 2021, with the potential for two subsequent option years.

Deadline extended: Interested and qualified applicants must submit proposals by 9:00 EST Monday, December 8, 2019, to