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Public DocumentsProcurement (RFPs)

Request for Quotes - Employer Engagement Consulting Services

Publish Date: Dec 8, 2021

Partner4Work (Partner4Work) has issued this Request for Quotes (RFQ) to identify a consultant to advise on an employer engagement strategy for Industry Partnerships, the Business Services Team at PACL, and other employer engagement practices. 

In 2018, Partner4Work began industry partnerships (IPs) to help build coalitions of employers working together to address workforce challenges.  Through these industry partnerships, Partner4Work can ensure that the public workforce system delivers a true supply-demand model of services. Partner4Work’s strategic employer engagement includes, but is not limited to, the following services: 

● Host conversations with industry leaders to learn industry needs including, but not limited to, talent sourcing, incumbent worker training, and anticipated future disruption prevention. 

● Engage industry leaders to continuously review and vet relevant training programs to ensure that the public workforce system is meeting industry needs. 

● Forecast short-, medium-, and long-term hiring needs to better align public system investments. 

The selected applicant will demonstrate a deep understanding of delivery of services to recruit and engage employers in industry partnerships, successful experience in delivering the services, and successful experience both in providing related oversight and in coordinating related activities, and successful experience in collaborating with a Pennsylvania Workforce Board’s leadership and with industry partnership and program staff its leadership designates. 

How to Apply 

Quotes must be submitted by 11:59 PM on December 31, 2021, to Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.