
Learn & Earn

Frequently Asked Questions

We know that our participants and their families will often have questions about the many aspects of the Learn & Earn program, and we want to do our best to answer everything we can. If your question is not addressed below, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help.

Program Questions

What is the new tiered model? How is this different from last year?
Participants ages 14-15 will engage in discovery activities that help them uncover their interests and the diverse career opportunities available to them. It also allows young people to learn about careers and workplaces that may not have been possible to include as a worksite in the past. Tier 2 will focus on work-experience and be most similar to the way Learn & Earn has traditionally connected youth to worksites. Participants ages 16-18 will gain valuable work experience through internships and mentorships that align with their career aspirations, providing practical skills and insights into the professional world.   Tier 3 will be specifically for young adults ages 18-24 who intend to enter the workforce following their participation. This Tier will provide work-based training that may include pre-apprenticeships, on the job training or preparation or training that results in industry recognized credentials.

I’d like to apply for the Learn & Earn Program, what do I do now?
The application opens on March 1. In the meantime, locate your eligibility documents and get your work permit.
Eligibility documents include proof of birth certificate, proof of address,and proof of household income. 
What are the program dates  for the 2025 Learn & Earn program?
Application period- March - June 2025
Youth Placements - April 1- June 13, 2025
Tier 1 & 2 - June 16-20
Tier 3 - Determined by provider
Program dates
Tier 1 & 2 - June 23 -  August 8,2025
Tier 3 - June 23-August 31,2025
How much will I earn?
Tier 1 can earn $10/hr for up to 100 hours of work.
Tier 2 can earn $12/hr for up to 140 hours of work.
Tier 3 can earn $17/hr for up to 140 hours of work.
Who can apply?
Young adults between the ages of 14-24 who are permanent residents of Allegheny County or the City of Pittsburgh.
Is this an income-based program?  
The Learn & Earn program uses federal funding that is specified to offer opportunities for low-income households.
What other eligibility requirements are there?
Besides the age requirement, all Learn & Earn participants must reside within Allegheny County and/or the City of Pittsburgh. Proof of address is required as a part of the application process (please visit our How to Apply page for further information). Students under 18 must have a work permit. Male applicants 18 years and older must apply for Selective Service.
What is the pay rate for Learn & Earn work? How many hours can I work this summer?
Each tier earns different wages. Tier 1- $10/hr, Tier 2 - $12/hr, Tier 3 - $17/hr.
How will I be paid? How often?
Every participant is placed with a Provider.  During orientation week, Providers will review the paycheck schedule and how you will receive your paycheck (this might be direct deposit, a check, or prepaid card). Any questions about your pay schedule, how you are getting paid, or if you lose a paycheck, should go to Partner4Work (employer). 
How does the Learn & Earn program work with individuals who require specific accommodations or accessibility services?
The Learn & Earn program works with our community partners to provide reasonable accommodations for youth who require them. If you or a youth you are helping might need a specific placement site or type of position (such as avoiding certain types of work) we ask that you email us at so that we can do our best to arrange something that works well. We also ask that any youth that might need specific assistance, accommodations, or services also communicate this to the organization they are placed with so that the summer experience can be an overall positive and fulfilling one.

Application Questions

If a person is employed through Learn & Earn, will his/her income affect the household eligibility for public assistance programs?
According to the most recent SNAP and TANF Cash Assistance program manuals released by the PA Department of Human Services, if the participant is a dependent under the age of 18, income from Learn and Earn is excluded from Cash Assistance and SNAP income requirements for the household. If the participant is over 18 or a high school dropout and he/she is the head of a household, then Learn & Earn income is included. Learn & Earn applicants and their guardians should contact their public assistance program case manager to receive an official determination on whether Learn & Earn income will affect household public benefits.
How do I start the application process?
Please visit our 'How to Apply' page for all application details. This page covers the following information: required documents, how to upload files, work permit information, eligibility guidelines, etc. 
If I am submitting a pay stub/ statement as my proof of income, how many pay stubs/ statements do I need to submit?
You must submit one pay stub/ statement for each individual within the household who makes an income. It is not necessary to submit multiple paystubs/statements for each individual. The pay stub/ statement you submit must be dated within the past 6 months and include a year-to-date amount.
What happens after I submit my application?
All submitted applications will be reviewed. Not every applicant is guaranteed a job placement. If you are offered a job, a Provider (employer) will contact you directly.
How does the matching process work?
The Learn & Earn team places youth based on multiple criteria: location, job interests, and age. Additionally, youth are able to both request to be placed with an organization and to be requested by an organization. We do our best to honor all placement requests, although there are times that, due to space or organization location, we are not able to place a youth in a requested location. 
How are youth placed in specific jobs?
Once a youth is matched with their Provider (employer) the Provider will work with the participant on their specific job placement. Any questions about a specific job placement should be directed to the Provider (employer.)
What if I want to work at a specific worksite?
We cannot guarantee employment to any applicant nor a job placement at a specific worksite. If an applicant and worksite wish to be matched, the worksite must notify the employer (Provider) who they are partnered with by April 6. The Learn & Earn staff will do its best to honor this request, but cannot guarantee this placement.
After the Summer, What happens when the program is over?
Once the 6-week work period is over there are many opportunities to look into across the Pittsburgh region. Almost all our partner organizations engage in various types of year-round programming, some with paid work experiences and some without. Also, please go to for job opportunities for teens year round. Click here to learn more about Partner4Work year-round young adult programs.