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Partner4Work News

Partner4Work NewsJul 17, 2013
With companies needing skilled workers -- but are not always being willing to pay to train them -- and long-term unemployment remaining a problem in southwestern Pennsylvania, the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board has founded a new website to help people find low-cost training programs.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsJul 16, 2013
The Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board has developed a website,, to connect job seekers to free and low-cost training programs.

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Partner4Work NewsJul 15, 2013
Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board (3RWIB) announced today that it has launched “Quick Train for Jobs,” an innovative online tool that connects job seekers to free or low-cost training programs designed to prepare people for quick entry into well-paying jobs in health care, energy, and manufacturing.


Partner4Work NewsJul 15, 2013
It's no secret that our region has seen a disconnect between the skills job seekers have and the skills employers need to fill jobs.

Source: Pittsburgh Business Times

Partner4Work NewsJul 12, 2013
With the Affordable Care Act expected to increase demand for health care services, demand also is on the rise for the type of skills and knowledge needed to navigate a fast-evolving health care landscape.

Source: Pittsburgh Business Times

Partner4Work NewsJul 12, 2013
While there is debate in the country over how much of today’s unemployment is rooted in a skills gap (a recent New York Times editorial called the claim “mostly corporate fiction”), if you talk to people in the Pittsburgh region, many acknowledge there are more open jobs than people with the requisite skills to fill them.

Source: Pittsburgh Business Times

Partner4Work NewsJul 12, 2013
At a recent meeting with stakeholders to discuss workforce development, Scott Hudson, principal manager of social responsibility and community outreach for the Alcoa Foundation, asked if there was one profession in manufacturing that has faced a skills gap that has been filled.

Source: Pittsburgh Business Times

Partner4Work NewsJul 10, 2013
Governor Tom Corbett, along with PA Department of Labor & Industry Secretary Julia Hearthway, today announced the creation of a program to take private industry recruitment programs and practices and translate them into public sector workforce development efforts.


Partner4Work NewsJul 10, 2013
The Wall Street Journal included a media release about Gov. Corbett's announcement of the PA Talent Hub.

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Partner4Work NewsJul 7, 2013
Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board among the recipients of the fifth annual Vanguard Diversity Award.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsJul 2, 2013
Jobs for teenagers and even young adults are scarce nearly four years after the official end of the Great Recession. It is a trend that has some researchers worried not just about the young people, but also about the health of industries.


Partner4Work NewsJun 27, 2013
3RWIB Youth Policy Council Chair Laura Ellsworth talks about the projects that have given her the most satisfaction.

Source: The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel

Partner4Work NewsJun 13, 2013
For many, summer as a kid conjures images of long rides in the back of the family sedan, co-ed sports at the local YMCA camp or hours spent on the couch watching TV. These kind of summer experiences still exist, but an array of programs around Pittsburgh are opening the eyes and minds of youth of all ages.

Source: WESA-FM

Partner4Work NewsMay 11, 2013
We know the best way to learn to work is by working. However, there is a silent crisis emerging in our region. While our economy continues to strengthen with positive movement in the housing and stock markets, little attention is being given to the decline in meaningful professional experience for our children.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsMay 1, 2013
While all the mayoral candidates were busy talking about creating jobs, the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board was launching its 7th annual Imagine Career Week focused on mentoring, training and inspiring youth to get ready for the estimated 3 million permanent science, technology, engineering mathematics (STEM) careers that will need to be filled in the energy field alone.

Source: New Pittsburgh Courier

Partner4Work NewsApr 26, 2013
Meet the new health care professionals. They are comfortable with technology and using data. They are part doctor, part nurse, part home-health aide. They are team players with excellent communication skills. Call these people community-health workers, and they have gotten the attention of Stefani Pashman, CEO of the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board Inc.

Source: Pittsburgh Business Times

Partner4Work NewsApr 25, 2013
Parents today will be exposing their children to the working world during Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, but much more important lessons about employment are learned when those children enter the labor force.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsApr 24, 2013
Fox 53 covers Imagine! Career Week at Pittsburgh TechShop.

Source: WPGH Fox 53

Partner4Work NewsApr 24, 2013
Stefani Pashman, 3RWIB CEO, discusses Imagine! Career Week and Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day with KDKA-AM's Bill Rehkopf.

Source: KDKA 1020-AM

Partner4Work NewsApr 23, 2013
Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board opened its seventh annual event at the science center for the first time, in order to emphasize the importance of job preparation in science, technology, engineering and math — or “STEM,” as some call it.

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review