PITTSBURGH – Allegheny County, the City of Pittsburgh and Partner4Work today announced that the Learn & Earn Summer Youth Employment Program is now accepting applications for this year’s program. Now it its fifth year, Learn & Earn annually connects young adults in Allegheny County and Pittsburgh with summer jobs and work-readiness training.
Learn & Earn annually connects nearly 2,000 underserved Allegheny County and Pittsburgh residents ages 14 through 21 with 6-week summer jobs in high-demand sectors including health care, education and STEM. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to the summer employment program. Learn & Earn opportunities can range from career exploration activities, service-learning or work-study to entrepreneurship and corporate internships.
“We’re excited to see the growth and vitality going on in our community, but in order to see that continue, we need to ensure that we are connecting our residents with the skills that the workforce needs,” said County Executive Rich Fitzgerald. “The Learn & Earn program helps us do that by providing our youth will real-world experience while also ensuring that they learn skills like communication and teamwork which are in demand in today’s workplace.”
Last year, 26 community-based Learn & Earn providers connected young people with jobs at more than 380 sites where they explored career options, gained work experience and developed soft skills required for career success, all while earning a paycheck. Collectively, participants earned more than $1.5 million in wages and received nearly 20,000 hours in work-readiness training.
“I’m proud that Learn & Earn offered every eligible applicant a summer job in 2018, and for many who took advantage of this opportunity, it was their first work experience,” said Mayor William Peduto. “Learn & Earn provides more than just a summer job. It’s an opportunity to gain the skills and experience necessary to become college and career ready, opening doors to a range of possibilities.”
Last year, Learn & Earn participants edited videos, performed archival research for a photography exhibit, promoted a community arts festival, learned coding and computer programming for the creation of socially conscious gaming, conducted social science research, and more.
“Partner4Work is pleased to partner again with the county and city to provide young adults with quality work experiences through Learn & Earn, the leading youth summer jobs program in our area,” said Partner4Work CEO Earl Buford. “This model program is a community-wide effort, bringing together local government, businesses, foundations, and non-profits to empower young adults and prepare our region’s future workforce for in-demand careers.”
The business community’s participation in Learn & Earn has ensured its success each year. For example, leading employers support and participate in the Corporate Internship Program, a highly-selective component of Learn & Earn which provides up to 50 young adults an opportunity to expand their career-readiness skills. Learn & Earn expanded the age range this year for the Corporate Internship Program (18-24 years old), extended the work period (8 weeks), and increased the pay scale (up to $10.35/hour). Young adults selected for the paid professional internships will be matched with major corporations and non-profit partners throughout the Pittsburgh area. In past years, interns have worked in industries such as engineering, finance and banking, and health care.
Learn & Earn is now accepting applications for summer 2019 job opportunities. The application period ends May 31. Interested youth can find eligibility requirements and the application online at, or at one of the 21 in-person application support centers throughout Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh:
Employers interested in participating in the Corporate Internship Program, hosting an intern or sponsoring internships with local non-profits, should contact Learn & Earn staff screens candidates, arranges interviews, provides outgoing training and support, and processes paperwork and payroll.
Amie M. Downs, Allegheny County,
Keyva Clark, City of Pittsburgh,
Nathan Petrillo, Partner4Work,
Nationally recognized for innovation, Partner4Work delivers workforce solutions for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County to ensure the current and future needs of businesses and job seekers are met. As stewards of more than $25 million in public and private workforce funds, Partner4Work oversees and funds workforce programs for adults, dislocated workers, and youth; educates the community through robust labor market analytics; and implements innovative solutions to the region's systemic workforce challenges. Partner4Work bridges the gap between people looking for work and companies in need of talent. More information is available at