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Ms. Quiggle Grant Associates EARN Success Story

Ms. Quiggle

Ms. Quiggle enrolled in the EARN program on June 13, 2022. She is a single mother of two children, the youngest having ADHD. Raising him has been a challenge for her given his special education needs. Her highest level of education is 10th grade.  She came into the EARN program looking for a job and a new place to live.

Upon enrolling, Ms. Quiggle and her career advisor at Grant Associates put together a strategic plan to, firstly, get her employed and, secondly, find her and her family a new place to live. Ms. Quiggle was frustrated with her apartment because neither management nor the neighbors were sympathetic to her son’s learning and behavioral challenges.

Before the pandemic, Ms. Quiggle was employed at Boost by T Mobile, a job she loved. Once the pandemic hit, she lost this job without any knowledge of when or if she could ever return. Ms. Quiggle was referred to the trainer at Grant Associates so that she could get her resume updated. They also planned a course of Metrix Trainings to update her customer service skills, which is where Ms. Quiggle wanted to start her job search.

On June 21, 2022, Ms. Quiggle informed her career advisor that she had regained employment at Boost for T-Mobile after sending her updated resume to them. They remembered her as a good employee with a great work ethic. Since regaining employment, Ms. Quiggle has moved into a new house and she is considering enrolling in the GED program since school has started for her son.