The application period for Learn & Earn 2024 is closed.

Zoie Pitzarella, Goodwill EARN Client Story

Ms. Zoie Pitzarella is a 31-year-old single mother of two children.  She enrolled with EARN in February 2021. Ms. Pitzarella chose to participate in the EARN program during the COVID Pandemic even though there were opportunities for her to opt out of participation. During her enrollment, Ms. Pitzarella experienced some housing barriers which required her to move.  She was able to get the resources and guidance necessary from Goodwill’s EARN case management staff to overcome housing barriers. She also found the in-house counseling program beneficial, participating in individual and group sessions throughout her enrollment. Additionally, Zoie  consistently attended the Goodwill EARN family events, and the Team always appreciates her positivity and enthusiasm! 

After Ms. Pitzarella was able to secure housing, she was prepared to explore employment and training opportunities.  It was determined that a Paid Work Experience would provide her with the updated skills and  supportive employment environment she needed at the time. Employment staff were able to set up a six-week work experience within Goodwill’s Retail Operation Center, which  allowed Ms Pitzerella to learn the basics of every position available within  the Center. During the employment staff’s weekly check-ins with  Goodwill management and  staff  commended Ms. Pitzarella’s work ethic, willingness to learn, and team-oriented attitude. She was officially hired as an Outlet Associate in December of 2021. 

Her experience with Goodwill’s paid work experience and training opportunities provided Zoie with the confidence and skills she needed to pursue a job in a field that more closely aligned with her desire to help others. 

Zoie  subsequently got a job as a Care Aide with Home Helpers. She says this job is the perfect fit for her. Ms. Pitzarella has met the benchmark of 6 months of retention and continues to do well.  She looks forward to reaching the one-year benchmark for retention in June 2023. We wish to congratulate Zoie for all of her well-earned accomplishments!