Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board (3RWIB) recently was awarded $500,000 to provide enhanced career services and work-based
This initiative, called the Veterans Value Initiative, connects the efforts of 3RWIB, the Tri-County Workforce Investment Board in Butler, the Westmoreland/Fayette Workforce Investment Board, and the Allegheny Conference on Community Development to serve veterans who are among the long-term unemployed. This program builds on existing initiatives and connects vets to services and programs that will lead to long-term employment at a life-sustaining wage.
"Veterans bring unique skills and talents that can be translated to any number of regional opportunities," said Stefani Pashman, 3RWIB CEO. "We're proud to connect regional efforts to help these frontline heroes thrive and succeed in civilian life."
In addition, this collaboration will bring systemic change by building awareness campaigns for companies to be "military friendly" and establish career pathways to ease the challenges veterans face in translating their military expertise and experience into civilian careers.
"There's no question that veterans bring value to the workplace," Pashman said. "3RWIB and its partners are thrilled to collaborate and build on initiatives that will make a real impact in the lives of these heroes and their families."
For more information, or to get involved, contact Scott Hudson, 3RWIB director of business solutions, at (412) 552-7087.
CONTACT: Jen Pajewski,, (412) 552-7090.
Nationally recognized for innovation, Partner4Work delivers workforce solutions for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County to ensure the current and future needs of businesses and job seekers are met. As stewards of more than $25 million in public and private workforce funds, Partner4Work oversees and funds workforce programs for adults, dislocated workers, and youth; educates the community through robust labor market analytics; and implements innovative solutions to the region's systemic workforce challenges. Partner4Work bridges the gap between people looking for work and companies in need of talent. More information is available at