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Travis Reynolds, Per Scholas Success Story

At the crossroads of passion and opportunity, Travis Reynolds discovered a path that led him not just to a new career but to a calling that has since transformed his life and that of others. With a background in business and recent experience as a commercial truck driver, Travis faced the challenge many encounter: the desire to pivot to a tech-focused career without the financial burden of traditional education routes. That's when Per Scholas, a beacon for those seeking tech career training without the cost, came into view.

In September 2022, Travis embarked on an intensive journey at Per Scholas, driven by his innate curiosity about technology and a dedication to his future career. By December of the same year, he had not only completed the program but also transitioned into a pivotal role as a Computer Support Specialist at Penn Hills Senior High School. His rapid ascent didn’t stop there; within a year, Travis advanced to Senior Information Technology Specialist/Help Desk Coordinator, a role allowing him to shape the tech experiences of countless others and champion the next wave of tech professionals.

Travis’s success is a testament to his hard work and the high-caliber training provided by Per Scholas. His story is not just about personal achievement but also about giving back. Demonstrating his commitment to the cycle of success, Travis has since employed a fellow Per Scholas alum at Penn Hills Senior High School and plans to continue supporting the community that bolstered his own transformation.

The phrase "Be All In," coincidentally found on the walls of Per Scholas’ Pittsburgh campus—left by a previous tenant—was immediately adopted by the staff. It encapsulates the full commitment required to succeed at Per Scholas. This motto resonates deeply with Travis, reflecting his all-in approach to his education and career, and perfectly embodying the ethos that Per Scholas promotes. Every graduate from the program, including Travis, brings more than technical skills to their roles—they bring a mindset of perseverance and excellence.

Per Scholas is dedicated to opening doors to tech careers for individuals facing career changes and underrepresented communities , providing tuition-free, rigorous training that equips graduates like Travis with not just technical skills, but with a foundation for lifelong career growth. Their commitment to providing tuition-free, rigorous training ensures that barriers to entry are lowered, paving the way for a more inclusive and diverse tech landscape.