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UPMC Freedom House 2.0 Success Story - Tiffany

“For me, it was great. My Freedom House experience, I learned a lot. I gained new friends, I gained new employment… so this created a whole new lifestyle for me. So, for me, I wouldn't change a thing…. If anybody has the opportunity to attend a Freedom House training course, they should definitely do it. If anybody has the opportunity to work for UPMC, they should definitely do it.”

Prior to participating in the FH 2.0 training program, Tiffany was unable to find a job that fit with her children’s daycare schedule. Tiffany was dependent on others for daycare pick-up and after-school care until she was home from work.

“I really had to depend on other people to make sure my kids were picked up and fed. Then once work is over, I go pick them up, just having that everyday worry, just because you know ain't nobody going to look out for your kids the way that you are. So that was rough, that was rough.”

From Tiffany’s perspective, the FH 2.0 training program was “put-together” and “useful, helpful, and it definitely taught us, I feel like, everything we needed to know as far as being an EMT.” Tiffany was very satisfied with the hands-on skills training and the variety of topics covered in the program, which included diversity in emergency medicine, insurance coverage, cardiac and regulatory systems, as well as the chance to ride along with an ambulance crew.

Tiffany was impressed by the level of instructor support she received during and after her participation in FH 2.0. She shared that FH 2.0 instructors “stuck with her” and continued to send her job opportunities well after she had graduated, which helped her find the perfect job for her family’s needs. FH 2.0 instructors also assisted program participants with resume preparation, brought in guest speakers who assisted participants with their job search, and helped participants to narrow down what types of positions and schedules they would like to work. In addition, Tiffany was provided with transportation and a laptop for applying for jobs and “whatever else I needed to be successful.” The FH 2.0 program instructor’s assistance “was very, very helpful. It kind of alleviated some of our own stresses.”

As many of the available jobs required working 12-hour shifts, it took Tiffany a little longer than her classmates to find a position that was well suited for her. Tiffany finished the FH 2.0 program in March and started her current position, as a community health worker, in June. Tiffany shared that her position is more fulfilling than any of her previous opportunities: “This one is way more fulfilling… It's a little challenging, I actually feel like I'm doing something, like people actually need me and depend on me to get things done.” Although Tiffany has not worked in her position for very long, she does not see herself leaving or looking for different employment in the future. Tiffany wants to grow within the company (UPMC) and continue to work her way up the career ladder because “the overall job is better. I feel better about the job I love. Like with this job, I don't dread clocking in. I'm actually happy to get up and go to work.” Not only does her current job pay her more than she was expecting (or asked for), her work-life balance has also improved dramatically. Tiffany’s work hours are respected, which allows her to feel confident that she will be there for her children when they need her, thus improving her quality-of-life.

“Makes it easier because, like I said, with them paying me more than I asked for, it allows me to do a lot more. And I worry less about bills and trying to make ends meet. So that definitely helps. And it works around my schedule, so I don't have the worries of, if somebody's going to be able to pick my kids up on time, if I'm going to be able to pick my kids up on time, or just, it was a perfect fit for me.”

Tiffany is grateful for the knowledge that the FH 2.0 housing program provided her. Unlike her previous experiences with school, FH 2.0 “reminded me of my love for healthcare and the healthcare system. And it also let me increase my knowledge of the healthcare system.” By participating in the FH 2.0 program, Tiffany found a job that is fulfilling, pays her well, and, most importantly, allows her to care for her children without needing to overly rely on others.