
Partner4Work NewsOct 4, 2014
3 Rivers WIB CEO Stefani Pashman, Board President Mark Latterner, and Board Member Kim Slater-Wood discuss jobs and the public workforce system with Jon Delano on KDKA-TV's Sunday Business Page.

Source: KDKA-TV

Partner4Work NewsSep 18, 2014
Phyllis Wolfe McDonough knew she could elevate her work as a nurse practitioner with a doctorate, but it took a postcard from a Pennsylvania university she had never heard of in 2007 for her to begin her long-distance journey.

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Partner4Work NewsSep 18, 2014
Aaron Friedlander stared at the equation, written in black marker with a challenge above: “Spot the bug! Win a shirt.” Lost among a sea of suits at a huge Carnegie Mellon University job fair on Wednesday, Friedlander, wearing a T-shirt, waved at the writer of the bum equation, Adam Cecchetti, a CMU alumnus and founder of Deja Vu Security.

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune Review

Partner4Work NewsSep 15, 2014
Schools such as Westmoreland Community College and the Pennsylvania College of Technology have received grants for training programs.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette PowerSource

Partner4Work NewsSep 15, 2014
If you work in one of Pittsburgh’s East End neighborhoods, there’s about a 50-50 chance that you work in health care or social assistance industries. But chances are, if you work in the East End, you don’t actually live there. And if you live there, you probably don’t work there.

Source: WESA-FM

Partner4Work NewsSep 14, 2014
3RWIB Board President Mark Latterner and CEO Stefani Pashman discuss the regional workforce and the public workforce development system with WDVE-FM disc jockey Sean McDowell.

Source: WDVE-FM

Partner4Work NewsSep 10, 2014
Pittsburgh’s East End has 1.4 jobs for each person in its labor force, but just 6 percent of the area’s 21,000 jobs are held by residents of the area.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsSep 2, 2014
Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania is seeking candidates for the RISE job-training and employment-assistance program designed to assist youth whom are residents of certain local communities. The program is entering its third year.

Source: South Pittsburgh Reporter

Partner4Work NewsSep 1, 2014
Billions of dollars over decades have failed to reduce poverty significantly in the United States. Some progress has been made since President Lyndon Johnson’s tenure, but his war on poverty clearly has not been won.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsAug 31, 2014
Generations ago, many of our families came to Pittsburgh to provide the labor that powered the first large-scale industrial age. In the 19th century, the vast industries of steel, glass, oil and gas and manufacturing sprang from the handiwork of practical, hard-working men and women for whom “making” was second nature. They were self-reliant, get-it-done people, and, for them, working with their hands to make something was the wellspring of wealth, work and improved quality of life.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsAug 24, 2014
In the Aug. 14 article “Young People Struggle for Jobs,” the PG’s Ann Belser paints a sobering picture about the nation’s unemployment rate and youth. Ms. Belser reports that the unemployment rate for young people is 14.3 percent, more than twice the national unemployment rate. And the number of young people working or looking for work continues to hover near 60 percent, among the lowest rates since 1948.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsAug 20, 2014

The Pittsburgh success story goes something like this: Once the steel mills closed down, we turned away from manufacturing and doubled down on investments in finance, medicine and higher education. We exchanged our union cards for college diplomas.

Source: Pittsburgh City Paper

Partner4Work NewsAug 18, 2014
Youth employment has been on a decreasing trend since 2000 and the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board (3RWIB) believes that educators and employers could work to get young people more engaged.

Source: WESA-FM

Partner4Work NewsAug 15, 2014
About 20 percent of Pittsburgh area high school freshmen will not graduate, according to a new study by the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board.

Source: Pittsburgh Business Times

Partner4Work NewsAug 12, 2014
Every year, Marc USA brings in between 10 and 20 interns to its headquarters at Station Square — generally rising seniors in college whose studies have prepared them to plunge right into the work done at the advertising and marketing firm.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsAug 8, 2014
Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board Friday released a request for proposal seeking innovative solutions for workforce services for adults and dislocated workers in the city of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. A contractor to lead the workforce development system is expected to be selected in November with anticipated funding ranging between $3 million and $5 million.

Source: Pittsburgh Business Times Morning Edition

Partner4Work NewsJul 29, 2014
Members of the House Democratic Policy Committee heard from school administrators, business executives and higher education advocates at a public hearing on July 23 focusing on jobs and economic development, said state Rep. Jake Wheatley, D-Allegheny.

Source: South Pittsburgh Reporter

Press ReleasesJul 22, 2014

PITTSBURGH (July 22, 2014) — Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board (3RWIB) cheers the historic bipartisan, bicameral workforce legislation — the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act — signed into law today by President Barack Obama.

Partner4Work NewsJul 22, 2014
Pennsylvania lawmakers are planning a hearing they hope will foster discussion on growing Pittsburgh’s employment opportunities.

Source: WESA FM

Partner4Work NewsJul 9, 2014
Oberg Industries’ tucked away buildings in Freeport, Pennsylvania are easy to miss. But inside the nondescript structures are tidy rows of machinery worth hundreds of thousands of dollars each. In one department, refrigerator-sized electric discharge machines, which cut metal using wire, sizzle away like cooking bacon. In another, workers operate manual machines. In one room a worker runs quality assurance using a high-tech instrument.

Source: WESA-FM