The application period for Learn & Earn 2024 is closed.

In-school youth programs

Partner4Work believes that a strong workforce of tomorrow requires our investment today. We proudly partner with a number of organizations to ensure the next generation of talent is prepared to keep the region working for years to come. These programs are geared to young people who are currently attending high school.

The Employment Institute at Auberle
Work-based learning, credential attainment, and career exploration; ensures young people complete high school

Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation
College & Career Readiness Program, high school diploma attainment, paid internships, FAFSA assistance, college courses

City Charter High School
Career exploration and post-high school planning program with training options in the following industries: medical, information technology, and manufacturing

Human Services Center Corporation (HSCC)
Workforce development and college readiness in Emerging Leaders Program; preparation for success after high school

Jewish Family & Children's Service (JFCS)
Refugee Youth Employment Program with a focus on high school completion and preparation for post-secondary education or employment

Neighborhood Learning Alliance
Post-secondary education and career-exploration program with on-campus college classes, mandatory tutoring, paid internships, and FAFSA assistance

Pittsburgh Public Schools
Start on Success transition program for students with learning disabilities (grades 10-12); paid internships in senior year

Youth Enrichment Services
Education and workforce development program that focuses on high school completion, entrepreneurship, and PSE or employment planning

Point Park University in Partnership with Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC)
Point Park University and CCAC are working together to guide youth from Community College into 4 year Bachelor degree programs at Point Park. Youth receive career counseling, take paid co-op courses and receive guidance from experienced staff members.

These community-based organizations seek business partners to help set young adults on the path to a bright future. To learn more about the areas these organizations serve, as well as the credentials offered and industry focus, visit our Workforce Development Services for High School Students directory