Help with navigating everyday challenges—like housing, transportation, and child care—can be key to completing job training, a new report finds.
Source: The Atlantic CityLab
Partner4Work is embarking on a brand-new journey—centered on a fresh approach to developing a thriving workforce in the Pittsburgh Region, one which ultimately will lead to improving the quality of work for thousands of Pittsburgh area employees and providing qualified talent for area businesses.
"I never really thought about college, but now I am," Ninti Jackson, Smart Horizons student.
There’s strength in numbers. That's why members of Southwestern Pennsylvania’s construction industry have joined forces with Partner4Work to create a mutually beneficial collaboration through an industry partnership.
The National Skills Coalition has developed a new blueprint for putting millions of young people and adults across the country on a pathway toward good paying, middle-skill jobs while helping American businesses compete and grow.
Legislators to extend Temporary Assistance for Needy Families grant
US Conference of Mayors announce the Booey's: A Ghost's Code video game to assess aptitudes critical to careers in technology.
Source: US Conference of Mayors
Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board (3RWIB) and Simcoach Games proudly announce the release of a video game aimed to expose and connect people to potential careers in the region’s technology-related fields.
Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board and Simcoach Games on Monday announced the release of a free video game aimed to connect people to potential careers in the region’s technology-related fields.
Source: Pittsburgh Business Times
There’s no erasing the past, but a recent change in Pennsylvania law — and a helping hand from Partner4Work — could help some people overcome past transgressions when it comes to finding employment.
The Associated Press coverage of Expungement Day.
Source: The Associated Press via Pittsburgh Tribune Review
“Expungement Day” activities today in Pittsburgh aim to assist people whose past criminal convictions might have served as a barrier to housing or employment.
Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The road to opportunity wasn’t always smooth for Robert. Living in Nevada, the young man left his formal education after the sixth grade. Although he was home-schooled, he did not officially finish high school. A referral from the Salvation Army Family Care Center steered him toward the program that would change his life. Robert was led to the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh.
Cheers to County Executive Rich Fitzgerald and Mayor Bill Peduto for pressing the business community to open doors to re-entering citizens.
Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
A host of government and community leaders pressed Allegheny County employers Monday to consider job applicants with criminal backgrounds, joining a national push led by the White House.
Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
“There are 17 kids sitting in high school now who know they can pass a college class. How aspirational must that be, and what a sharpened vision it will give them in high school knowing this is already out there waiting for them and that they can do it.” ~ Steve MacIsaac, Neighborhood Learning Alliance
The Atlantic's Alana Semuels discusses the struggle of America's forgotten workers
Local planning for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is underway, and adult educators should weigh in. That’s the message of a new fact sheet from the National Skills Coalition.
Residents of the Hill District, Uptown and West Oakland will soon qualify for a free course that could help lead to union jobs through the Community College of Allegheny County. The course will help those seeking a union apprenticeship refresh the math skills needed for an interview.
Source: WESA-FM
Sixteen-year-old Vishal Kharel is spending the summer restoring trails in a large county park in Pittsburgh’s southern suburbs. As he digs a ditch, he describes his actions to the other teenagers on the crew.
Source: PRI's The World