
Partner4Work NewsAug 19, 2016

Sixteen-year-old Vishal Kharel is spending the summer restoring trails in a large county park in Pittsburgh’s southern suburbs. As he digs a ditch, he describes his actions to the other teenagers on the crew.

Source: PRI's The World

Partner4Work NewsAug 18, 2016

Ray Herron, 3RWIB CFO, announced in Pittsburgh Business Times.

Source: Pittsburgh Business Times

Partner4Work NewsJul 20, 2016

Ten children in war-torn countries who are missing all or part of their hands are now able to hold a cup, open a door, and pick an apple, thanks to small hands created by Allegheny County youth.

Source: NEXT Pittsburgh

Partner4Work NewsJul 7, 2016

To help local businesses access untapped pools of skilled talent, the US Department of Labor has awarded Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board nearly $1.4 million to train and connect residents involved with the criminal justice system to opportunities in high-demand industries.

Source: New Pittsburgh Courier

Partner4Work NewsJul 5, 2016

The U.S. Department of Labor has awarded $1.4 million to the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board. In partnership with the Allegheny County Jail Collaborative, 3RWIB will offer men and women in work release programs or home confinement the opportunity to participate in a two-year career pathway training program that meets the needs of local industry.

Source: Pittsburgh Business Times

Partner4Work NewsJul 2, 2016

Guillermo Jose, a 40-year-old information systems professional with four master’s degrees and an interminable resume, radiates confidence that he has what it takes to bring big data to health care, finance and human resources.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsJun 30, 2016

The Fab Lab at the Carnegie Science Center is using its 3-D printer to make prosthetic hands. The “e-Nable the Future” program allowed visitors to take part in a workshop utilizing this technology.

Source: WESA-FM

Partner4Work NewsJun 25, 2016

Kyle Gramling's favorite place in Pittsburgh growing up was the Carnegie Science Center. The Peters native said despite not fully understanding everything he saw there, he was always amazed by its “wow factor.”

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune Review

Partner4Work NewsJun 25, 2016

The Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board will receive nearly $1.4 million from the federal government to serve individuals in impoverished and high-crime areas. The grant was one of 16 awards totaling $21.2 million announced Friday by the U.S. Department of Labor that aim to offer prisoners in a state or local work release program an opportunity to participate in a career pathway program that helps meet the needs of local employers.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsMay 3, 2016

Learn and Earn Manager Laura Saulle discusses summer youth employment in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County with WPXI-TV in Pittsburgh!

Source: WPXI-TV

Partner4Work NewsApr 26, 2016

Pittsburgh and Allegheny County youths seeking summer jobs may apply for the region’s second “Summer of Learn and Earn” program. Allegheny County, the City of Pittsburgh and the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board (3RWIB) have joined together to match 2,000 youths aged 14 to 21 with summer jobs that position them for later careers. The program will employ 1,300 youths ages 14 to 21 from the City of Pittsburgh and 700 more from Allegheny County, providing participants with personal development opportunities, while also assisting the long-term growth of Pittsburgh-area employers.

Source: South Pittsburgh Reporter

Partner4Work NewsApr 18, 2016

Youths seeking summer jobs in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County will be able to apply, starting Tuesday, for the second annual “Summer of Learn and Earn” program.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsApr 14, 2016

One of the chief challenges at Uber's Advanced Technology Center in the Strip District, aside from perfecting self-driving cars, is finding people to work there.

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune Review

Partner4Work NewsMar 30, 2016

UPMC health system announced Tuesday that it will boost its entry-level wage to $15 an hour over the next five years, a $3-an-hour hike that puts the Pittsburgh region’s largest employer in line with a growing national trend to raise minimum wages.

Source: Pittsurgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsMar 16, 2016

The seasonally adjusted jobless rate in the Pittsburgh area stalled at 4.8 percent in January, the same rate at December but down from 5 percent in November.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsMar 7, 2016

As Pennsylvania gears up to finalize its most significant update to workforce funding priorities in nearly two decades, the local agencies tasked with rolling out the new law are worried that critical services could be at risk.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Partner4Work NewsFeb 5, 2016

AT&T contributed more than $315,000 to support education-related projects across Pennsylvania, including 15 contributions for regional and statewide programs as part of AT&T Aspire, the company’s signature philanthropy initiative to promote student success in school and beyond.

Source: AT&T

Partner4Work NewsJan 24, 2016

Stefani J. Pashman, chief executive officer, Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board; and Dmitri D. Shiry, managing partner, Deloitte LLP; both were appointed as directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Pittsburgh Branch

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Partner4Work NewsJan 15, 2016

Doris Carson Williams, president and CEO of the African American Chamber of Commerce of Western Pennsylvania, has been appointed chair of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s Pittsburgh branch for 2016. Williams has served on the board since 2014. Also appointed as directors are Stefani Pashman, CEO, Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board, and Dmitri Shiry, managing partner, Deloitte LLP.

Source: Pittsburgh Business Times

Partner4Work NewsJan 14, 2016

According to the results of the Pittsburgh Regional Diversity Survey, minorities in the area have a very different perception of how diverse the region is compared to their white counterparts. And this comes as no surprise to the survey’s creators.

Source: NEXTpittsburgh