Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board, in partnership with Pittsburgh Today, Vibrant Pittsburgh, the University of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Regional Alliance, today released the Pittsburgh Regional Diversity Survey which highlights views on diversity in the workplace and in communities.
Source: New Pittsburgh Courier
Consider this statement: “The Pittsburgh region is a place that welcomes and embraces racially and ethnically diverse people.” According to a report released Wednesday by local advocacy organizations, 76 percent of white residents agree that sentiment is true. But conversely — and alarming to a panel of workforce experts — only 29 percent of African Americans believe the same.
Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Only one out of four residents say the region is very diverse and less than 40 percent of minority residents say they feel welcome here, according to the Pittsburgh Regional Diversity Survey released Wednesday.
Source: Pittsburgh Business Times
With more people employed and in the workforce, the seasonally adjusted jobless rate in the Pittsburgh area sank to 5 percent in November, down from 5.2 percent in October, according to state numbers released on Wednesday.
Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
With a larger labor force and more jobs on the payroll, the seasonally adjusted jobless rate in the Pittsburgh area sank to 5.2 percent in October, down from 5.3 percent in September, according to state numbers released on Thursday.
Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board (3RWIB) has new funding to help unemployed vets in the region.
Source: Pittsburgh Business Times
A new initiative will aim to reduce the number of jobless veterans in the region by coordinating existing job services for veterans with companies looking to hire.
Source: WESA-FM
A series of life-altering events — the kind that most people confront over an extended time — hit Cyndy Glynn all at once. Her position as director of marketing at a medical device company in Cleveland was eliminated. She moved back to Pittsburgh to take care of her ailing mother, who passed away shortly thereafter. Then, she was faced with the prospect of finding another job as her unemployment benefits ran out.
Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board (3RWIB) recently was awarded $500,000 to provide enhanced career services and work-based trainings to the region’s unemployed veterans.
On Thursday, November 5 Auberle‘s Employment Institute will be named Community Based Program of the Year by Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Judge’s Commission. John Lydon, Auberle Chief Executive Officer, will attend the ceremony to accept the award. This distinction recognizes the life changing outcomes that Auberle’s workforce development programming is able to accomplish with juvenile court involved youth. While the program serves any youth ages 16-24, the Community Based Program of the Year award recognizes Auberle’s ability to help youth with significant barriers to educational attainment and successful employment.
Source: PRWeb
Through funding from 3RWIB, Smart Horizons Career Online Education to offer PIttsburgh residents the opportunity to earn high school diplomas and entry-level career certificates.
Source: The Bulletin
The Pittsburgh region is fortunate to have many passionate people and excellent programs and services available to help those looking for a job — from soft skills training and GED preparation to mock interviews and networking opportunities.
Source: PIttsburgh Post-Gazette
Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate was 5.3 percent in September, down a tenth of a percentage point from August, according to numbers released Friday by the U.S. Department of Labor and Industry.
Source: WESA-FM
Source: US Conference of Mayors
More than 12,000 Allegheny County residents last year exhausted their unemployment benefits, and about one-fourth of adult dislocated workers in the county are at risk of exhausting their benefits Looking to give job seekers a leg up, the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board is working to bring a national program to Pittsburgh to help long-term unemployed residents reconnect to the workforce. Known as Platform to Employment, the program, which began in southwest Connecticut in 2011, has shown to be effective, getting between 80 percent and 90 percent of participants re-employed following the eight-week program. Pittsburgh will be the 15th city to adopt P2E.
Source: Pittsburgh Business Times
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Ask any employer, and they’ll tell you young people often have a big problem at job interviews. “They’re first time in a job interview situation. They’re new. They’re nervous. They don’t know how to behave,” says Vera Krofcheck with the 3 Rivers Workforce Investment Board, a non-profit that brings job-seekers together with employers.
Source: KDKA-TV
October 8, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA—Smart Horizons Career Online Education (SHCOE), the world’s first AdvancED/SACS accredited private online school district, announced today a partnership with Garfield Jubilee Association (GJA) to offer Pittsburgh, PA, residents the opportunity to earn accredited high school diplomas and entry-level career certificates through Cengage Learning’s Career Online High School (COHS). As a part of the partnership, COHS scholarships will be provided to Pittsburgh-area residents through the 3Rivers Workforce Investment Board (3RWIB) and a citywide collaboration between the City of Pittsburgh, Community College of Allegheny, and the University of Pittsburgh.
Source: Smart Horizons
Interns from the summer Learn and Earn program are paying it forward in a way, helping other young people prepare for their first work experience.
Source: Pittsburgh Business Times
Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board (3RWIB) and Simcoach Games proudly announce the release of three mini-games aimed to teach and reinforce work-readiness skills to young job seekers.
Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board (3RWIB) announced that it has brought a nationally celebrated program to reconnect Allegheny County’s long-term unemployed with the workforce.